Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jogja or Yogya

Some confusion around the spelling etc. of where we're going.

It's sometimes called Jogjakarta and sometimes Yogyakarta.

There, that's it. No. There doesn't seem to be any preference. No. There is no correct answer. No. You can call it either.

The locals last time seemed to call it Jogja shortened, but who knows.

Also, here's a map with a line showing where it is, Google Earth sometimes gets confused about the correct location.

Oh, and use my yahoo mail ( rather than the other one, much easier to check on a low speed connection. And if you're feeling generous, feel free to leave comments, people do it for olympians, what makes them so much more special than me (please don't answer that one in the comments - I'm sure I can figure it out ) =)

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